The regular monthly meeting of the Soldier Township Board was called to order April 6th, 2021 at 12:15pm. Board members present were Jerry Glasgow, Karl McNorton and Mike Mathes. Chief Schmitt was present to represent the Fire Department. Bob Oliva was present to represent the Road Department.

Guests in attendance were:

Lee Hendricks, Larkin Downing, and Steve Vess.

Member McNorton made a correction to the March minutes to include Bob Oliva and Lee Hendricks present for the executive session. Member Mathes made a motion to approve the check register and the amended minutes as presented. Member McNorton seconded the motion. After discussion, motion was approved 3:0.

Public comment and communication:


Mr. Oliva explained that the township was in search of a new bookkeeper. The township is using Key Staffing to aid in the search. He has interviewed some, but none have the skill set required as of yet. Mr. Oliva explained that there was still a delay in closing on the NW Button Road property sale. QSP asked for an extension due to being delayed by the City of Topeka on rezoning the property. The extension was granted. QSP is meeting with the city manager to explain the reasoning for the need to rezone. Mr. Oliva was instructed to write a letter of support for the rezoning to the city manager. The board was informed that Drippe Construction is developing areas along NW Green Hills Road and NW 50t h Street. The combination of the 2 developments could see another 186 homes in that area.


Chief Schmitt presented the fire report. Informed the board that there had been several busy days with grass fires. Chief Schmitt explained that Brush 72 needs a new pump as the seals have been blowing out. He has been getting bids for replacement pumps. Also, the 4 sections of hose that fell from one of the trucks will need to be replaced. The Fire Department was unable to hold the annual pancake feed due to covid. The department is looking to do a chili feed with the high school, and Trunk or Treat in October. Chief Schmitt said the department is back fully staffed with full-time employees.


Mr. Oliva presented the road report. The crew has been sweeping sand from winter snow removal. All sand was removed by April 1st. The road department has approximately 30 outstanding work orders with most involving ditching or culvert replacement. The crew is working in the Hickory Ridge subdivision placing mastic in the large cracks that have developed in the asphalt pavement. The mastic will also be used on NW 35t h St. between Hickory Ridge and NW Brickyard Rd. and NE Kendalwood north of 62nd St. The material for the chip seal has all been delivered and the cost of the oil used for the process looks to be about the same as last year.

Mr. Oliva sent the county engineer an email regarding the streets around HME, and the increased amount of heavy traffic in that area. He was looking for county support on addressing that area for long-term solutions. He was informed that the county would not like to be involved, and it was solely the township’s responsibility. The board suggested getting our county commissioner involved in the discussion.

Mr. Oliva also explained that NW 94th Street on the Shawnee, Jackson County line between NE Marple Road and N Topeka Ave would be a better fit for maintenance than the stretch of 94th east of NE Indian Creek Road last month. He contacted the Jackson County Commissioners about swapping maintenance. Mr. Hendricks is also the council for Jackson County. Jackson County was in agreement that it would be a good trade in maintenance. Mr. Hendricks drafted the agreement. Jackson County has already approved and signed the agreement. Member Mathes moved to sign the 94th St. maintenance agreement and it was seconded by member McNorton. The motion was approved 3-0.

Mr. Oliva presented to bids for the demolition of the milk barn on the Hiller addition. Member Glasgow-  made a motion to accept the bid of  McPherson  Wrecking, Inc of  $19,200.00 over the other bid presented by Marty Grist Demolition of $23,000.00. Member McNorton seconded the motion and the motion was approved 3-0.

Topeka Fire had contacted Mr. Oliva about using the Hiller milk barn for training until demolition. Member Glasgow made a motion to let Topeka Fire use the Hiller milk barn for training and to have Lee Hendricks draft the agreement with Topeka Fire. McNorton seconded the motion and the motion was approved 3-0.

Member  Mathes made a motion to go into executive session until 1:00 pm. Member  Glasgow seconded the motion that the board recess for closed executive session for attorney-client privilege, as permitted under the Kansas Open Meetings Law. After discussion, the motion was approved 3-0. Lee Hendricks, Chief Schmitt, and Mr. Oliva were asked to stay in attendance for the session.

The board came out of its closed executive session at 1:00pm and reconvened in open regular session, and that no binding unauthorized subject matter was discussed nor was any binding unauthorized action taken by the board at the closed executive session.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was duly adjourned. The next monthly board meeting will be held on May 4th, 2021 at 12:15 pm.

– Jerry Glasgow
– Karl McNorton
– Mike Mathes

Resolution 21-02: Entrance Permits