The published Revenue Neutral Rate Hearing was called to order on September 7, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. There were no objections from any taxpayers relating to the revenue-neutral rate or proposed tax rate. A motion was made by Member Jerry Glasgow and seconded by Member McNorton, to pass Resolution 21-03 to exceed the revenue-neutral rate. Motion carried 2-0.

The published Budget Hearing was called to order on September 7, 2021, at 12:05 p.m. Motion was made by Member McNorton and seconded by Member Glasgow to accept the budget as presented, with no further conversation or amendments. Motion carried 2-0.

The regular monthly meeting of the Soldier Township Board was called to order on September 7, 2021, at 12:15 p.m. Board members present were Karl McNorton and Jerry Glasgow. Also present were Chief Doug Schmitt representing the Fire Department, Bob Oliva representing the Road Department, and Laurie Moody, Bookkeeper.

Guests in Attendance:

Lee Hendricks and Mark Bohnenkemper

Member Glasgow moved to accept the check register, the minutes from August 3, 2021, Board meeting, and the agenda, as presented, with no additions or amendments. Member McNorton seconded the motion. Motion carried 2-0.

Public Comments and Communication:

There were no public comments or communication.


Mr. Oliva informed the board members that he had requested that Laurie Moody begin listening in on the twice-weekly County Commission meetings online. She then summarizes the pertinent information in an email to both Mr. Oliva and Chief Schmitt. In the future, the emails will also be sent to all the board members.

Chief Schmitt updated the Board on the status of the allocation of available ARPA funds, highlighting the fact that 50 million dollars of those funds are going directly to the medical community to assist with the nursing shortage. The SPARK committee is to meet later this week for further discussion. This meeting can also be viewed on live stream via their YouTube channel.

General conversation ensued concerning the possibilities of incorporation or possibly assigning township status based on population numbers to ensure any future allocations of federal funding would not exclude Soldier Township.   This would also allow the Township to have an opportunity to address potential growth and how services would be rendered to the growing population within the Township.

Scott Day Insurance will be obtaining the Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance policy premium cost for the Township for 2022. It will be presented to the Board in the November 2021 board meeting.


Chief Schmitt presented the Fire Report, pointing out that over 50% of calls were for rescue and emergency medical service. This is largely due to the rising numbers of COVID-19 emergency calls. Chief Schmitt is participating in the County EMS working group to develop a crisis care plan to assist with patient care when hospitals are unable to accept more patients.

Employee staffing is the biggest obstacle for all entities involved, for the local fire departments, ambulance services, and medical facilities. Soldier Township Fire Department also continues to struggle with adequate, trained staffing.


Mr. Oliva addressed the first Action Item of a bid received from Crafco for road crack sealing material. A motion was made by Member Karl McNorton to accept the bid from Crafco for 42,000 pounds of Roadsaver 211 Plexi-Melt at $1.26 per pound, for a total of$52,920.00.

Member Glasgow seconded the motion. Motion carried 2-0.

A second Action Item being addressed was an invoice for curb replacement submitted to the Township by resident Norman Simnitt who resides at 3237 NW 34th Street. Mr. Simnitt had previously spoken with Mr. Oliva, who explained to Mr. Simnitt that the repair wasn’t something the Road Department would be able to address for quite some time. Mr. Simnitt had the curb work included with work he was having done on his property and submitted a $1,000 bill to the Township, asking for reimbursement for the curb repair. Member McNorton made a motion to deny payment of the $1,000 invoice to Mr. Simnitt. The motion was seconded by Member Glasgow. Motion carried 2-0.

Mr. Oliva presented the Road Report. The department is now fully staffed with the addition of a newly hired Apprentice, Andrea Sutherland. Chip and seal process has been completed for the season in the areas of NW 35th Street, NW 43rd Street, NW 39th Street, and NW Dondee Lane.

Paving was also completed in the Porta Subdivision and on 39th Street from NW Rochester Rd to NW Stinson Rd.

Mr. Oliva will be accepting bids for a tandem truck and intends to have the bids present at the next Board Meeting. Due to manufacturing delays, the acquisition of a new truck will not be for 12 months or longer.

Resident Mark Bolmenkemper, 2925 NW 43rd Terrace, spoke to the Board concerning the lack of maintenance to the ditch in the front of his property.  Mr. Oliva explained that the issue is a direct result of Mr. Bohnenkemper directing the water from his sump pump to the ditch. Any correction to the ditch would be a futile effort until that water is directed somewhere else.

There being no further business to come before the Board, Member McNorton made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Glasgow, and carried 2-0. Meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.

The next monthly Board meeting will be held on October 5, 2021, at 12:15 p.m.

Approved by: Karl McNorton ,Jerry Glasgow’ and Mike Mathes