The published Revenue Neutral Rate and Budget Hearing was called to order on September 5, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. Board members present were Karl McNorton (Trustee), Jerry Glasgow (Treasurer), and Mike Mathes (Clerk). Residents who attended the meeting were Jerry Bergman, Robert Duclos, Mary Hogan, Evelyn Huggins, Jo Abbott, and Karen Lewis. Several questioned the valuation of their homes in relation to the tax rate and how the collected taxes would be used. Member Mathes explained that the valuation is set by the Shawnee County Appraiser, that they have the right to protest the appraisal and to contact the Appraiser’s office if they wished to do so. Mr. Oliva added that only a small percentage of the total taxes collected by the county is assigned to Soldier Township. There were no further questions or comments

There were no objections from any of the guests relating to the revenue neutral rate or proposed tax rate, and there were no questions concerning the budget, as presented. A motion was made by Member McNorton to accept exceeding the RNR levy for Budget year 2024 as presented and adopt Resolution 23-02. Member Glasgow seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. A Roll Call Vote was held and documented, and Resolution No. 23-02 was properly executed. The hearing was adjourned at 12:12 p.m. 

The regular monthly meeting of the Soldier Township Board was called to order by Mike Mathes (presiding officer and Clerk) on September 5, 2023, at 12:15 p.m. Also present were Karl McNorton (Trustee) and Jerry Glasgow (Treasurer), Bob Oliva (Township Business Administrator/Road Superintendent), John Tipton (Co-Road Superintendent), Chad Lady (representing the fire department), and Laurie Moody (Bookkeeper)

Guests in attendance were Lee Hendricks (Legal Counsel) and Larkin Downing 

Member McNorton made a motion to approve the check register and the minutes from the August 1 and August 8, 2023 board meetings, as presented. Member Glasgow seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. There were no amendments or additions to the agenda

Public comment and communication – none 

General – Mr. Oliva presented documentation pertaining to a request received from CoreFirst for us to release some of the pledges against our bank accounts. After discussion, it was determined that the bank needs to supply us with more information before we agree to release any pledges

A Notice of Filing on August 10, 2023, was received in the mail from the Kansas Board of Tax Appeals for property tax exemption of property purchased for a possible new fire station. Docket number 2023-6039-TX, ID number 0-103-05-0-20-01-002.01-0. 

All expenditures are consistent with budgeted funds for the year

Fire Chad Lady presented the Fire Report in Chief Schmitt’s absence. Calls for service continue to increase in comparison to previous years. The new Can-Am is now outfitted and operational and is being used primarily for sporting event standbys. The transition to ALS Care is progressing. Our paramedics have now all been approved and can practice at the A level. We are now required to do 2 ALS ride-along shifts” in which we need to have 15 patients. All our current AEMT’s should be providing ALS Care by the end of September

ISO has informed Elliott Insurance that we were not granted the long hose lay endorsement because it can’t be done throughout the township

Road – Mr. Oliva updated on the progress with the RFP’s for the construction of the road equipment maintenance building. Further legal research is needed to determine what type of funding is needed and how to secure the funding. Lee Hendricks anticipates the need for a special meeting at a later date to present the results of the research and to enable a decision on how to move forward

John Tipton, Co-Road Superintendent, presented the road report, a written copy of which is included in the board packet. Paving continued in the Urban Hills sub-division and the overlay project on NW Elmont Road from NW 46th Street to NW Railroad Street was completed. Multiple new entrances were installed on NE Indian Creek Road with a considerable amount of work done on the right-of-way and the ditches. The work request made by Theresa Wittman of 3512 NW Kansas Avenue to correct erosion issues and was discussed in the board meeting on May 2, 2023, has been completed. The position of Road Foreman has now been filed by George Ghigliotty, Jr. 

The price for the sale of millings to Soldier Township residents will remain at $10.00 per ton

Mr. Tipton presented options for the long-term 4-year lease of a Wheel Loader. After review and consideration, Member Mathis made a motion to approve the 4-year lease of the Wheel Loader 930MHLAG from Foley Equipment at the cost of $22,713.08 per year. Member McNorton seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0

Executive Session: Member Mathes made a motion to move into Executive Session for 5 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel. Exception was made for Lee Hendricks, Bob Oliva, John Tipton, and Laurie Moody to remain in the meeting. Motion was seconded by Member McNorton. Motion carried 3-0. 

Executive Session convened at 12:47 p.m. The Board returned to open session at 12:50 p.m. with no binding action having been taken. With no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Member Mathes to adjourn the meeting. Member McNorton seconded the motion and motion carried 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 12:51 p.m. 

The next regular monthly Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 12:15 p.m. 


Juy Wglarge 

Signed Document Minutes 9-5-23 – Signed