The regular monthly meeting of the Soldier Township Board was called to order on October 4, 2022, at 12:15 p.m. Board members present were Karl McNorton (Trustee), Jerry Glasgow (Treasurer) and Mike Mathes (Clerk). Also present were Bob Oliva (Township Business Administrator/Road Superintendent), John Tipton (Co-Road Superintendent), Doug Schmitt (Fire Chief), and Laurie Moody (Bookkeeper).

Guests in attendance were — Lee Hendricks (legal counsel)

Member Glasgow made a motion to approve the check register, the bank account reconciliation reports, and the minutes from September 6, 2022 Board meeting, as presented, with no additions or amendments. Member Mathes seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Public comment and communication — There were no public comments or communication.

General — Mr. Oliva presented the General Report. The sentencing hearing for Pam Buckhalter has been postponed until November 3, 2022. Lee Hendricks spoke with the legal representative for Pam (Kevin Cook) and expressed his legal opinion that Mr. Cook’s representation of her is a direct conflict of interest since Mr. Cook is also a county commissioner.

The budget expenditures are exactly where they should be at this time of the year.

Progress continues moving forward with the plans for the construction of the new road maintenance building.

Fire — Chief Schmitt presented the written Fire Department Report.

Preparation for the AEMT class is ongoing. There are currently eleven people enrolled for the class, three of whom are from Soldier Township and the rest are from neighboring departments. Payment will be received for all enrollees from outside Soldier Township.

Additional training classes for Pumper Driver Operator certification and training on propane emergencies are scheduled for the month of October.

Budget expenditures are on track for the year. The department received the Fire Marshal Grant in the amount of $15,000 for six (6) sets of bunker gear.

Halloween Safe I-louse has been scheduled at the Fire Station for October 3 1, 2022, from 5:007:00 p.m.

There will be six (6) public education events held in October for Seaman students and the department has committed as stand-by for five (5) sporting events this month.

Drug Take-Back Day is scheduled for October 29, 2022.

Road — John Tipton presented the Road Report. Paving in the Greybeal subdivision has been completed with numerous positive responses from residents. This project has exhausted the remaining asphalt budget for the year. Tree and brush trimming continue, as well as other basic road maintenance.

We took possession of the new Freightliner dump truck, and it is currently being readied for snow removal.

Request was made for authorization to spend $75,000 from Special Highway funds to pave the section of NW Button Road from Soldier Creek Bridge to NW 25th Street. Member Mathes made motion to use $75,000 Special Highway funds for additional asphalt purchase for NW Button Rd. Member McNorton seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Executive Session — Executive Session was requested for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel. Participating in Executive Session were Karl McNorton, Jerry Glasgow, Mike Mathes, Bob Oliva, Doug Schmitt, John Tipton, Laurie Moody, and Lee Hendricks. Entered Executive Session at 12:33 p.m.

Returned from Executive Session into open meeting at 12:42 p.m. Member Mathes made motion to approve employment agreements for Fire Chief Schmitt and Bob Oliva, Township Business Administrator/Road Superintendent. Motion seconded by Member Glasgow. Motion carried 3-

Due to Shawnee County being unable to provide a documented legal description of SoldierTownship borders, Mr. Oliva will research other options to obtain them. Until they are available, the township will be unable to move forward with the proposed boundary changes with Menoken Township. With no further business to come before the Board, meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.

The next monthly Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at 12: 15 p.m

Minutes – 10-4-22 – Signed