The regular monthly meeting of the Soldier Township Board was called to order May 4th, 2021, at 12:15pm. Board members present were Jerry Glasgow, Karl McNorton and Mike Mathes. Chief Schmitt was present to represent the Fire Department.  Bob Oliva was present to represent the Road Department.

Guests in attendance were – Lee Hendricks

Member Mathes made a motion to approve the check register and the minutes as presented. Member McNorton seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion was approved 3-0.

Public comment and communication


Mr. Oliva explained that the township has a new bookkeeper (Laurie Moody). The township used Key Staffing to make the hire.    She will be starting May 12 t h at a rate of $22.00 per hour. John Welch is available for us to help show her how we keep our books. Mr. Oliva presented the rates for the township CDARS.   The board recommended continuing with a 52-week CDARS and take the penalty if it is decided to move the funds into another option. An update on the Button Road property was given. Mr. Oliva with the help of Mr. Hendricks composed a letter to the Topeka City Manager in support of the rezoning of the property. QSP representative Greg Lutz informed that the City of Topeka was most likely going to go along with the rezoning, it was just an issue of who was going to pay for hooking onto the sewer.


Chief Schmitt presented the fire report. He also updated the board on the   progress of the new brush truck being built by Hays Fire. Chief Schmitt intends on going to Hays to see the truck in the   upcoming weeks.   A new hose bed cover was placed on the tanker to prevent hoses from falling. Chief Schmitt commented on the call load had been steady for the past month. The department is on pace to run around 1,200 calls. Lastly, Chief Schmitt asked to approve membership to the Regional Incident Management Team. Member Mathes made a motion to approve membership to the Regional Incident Management Team. It was seconded by member McNorton. After discussion it was approve 3-0.


Mr. Oliva presented the road report. The crew has finished with mastic in the subdivisions but is still working on the concrete portion of NW 35th street under Highway 75. The mastic material has been hard to get for the repairs. The concrete was in worse shape than originally assessed, so the repairs have taken longer than expected. Repairs were also made on NW Indianola Rd near the HME entrance.

The project carried over from last year that was awarded to Hamm Companies was completed. There was an approximate $10,000.00 underrun of the project. Mr. Oliva asked for a motion to pay for the project from the Special Highway Fund. Member Glasgow made the motion to pay the contract to Hamm Companies for the work performed in the Indian Creek Subdivision #2 in the amount of $ 94,264.74 from the Special Highway Fund. Member McNorton seconded the motion.  After discussion, the motion was approved 3-0.

Several employees have been out with illness including COVID. The department has been short-staffed most of the month. Mr. Oliva informed the board that he had accepted the resignation of Paul Burghart.

A bid was presented for emulsified oil for chip seal. Two bids were presented. Ergon’s bid was $2.15 per gallon delivered, and Vance Brother’s was $2.20 per gallon delivered. Member Mathes moved to accept Ergon Asphalt and Emulsions bid for $2.15 per gallon delivered. Member McNorton seconded the motion. After discussion the motion was approved 3-0.

Resolution 21-02 was presented to supersede the entrance permit resolution of 2010. The new resolution has charges of $50.00 for the entrance permit application and $500.00 for a deposit to be credited to the township installation fee if done by Soldier Township forces or returned after a successful inspection by Soldier Township if installed by forces other than Soldier Township. Member McNorton made the motion to approve Resolution 21-02. Member Mathes seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion was approved 3-0.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was duly adjourned. The next monthly board meeting will be held on June 1st, 2021, at 12:15pm.

– Jerry Glasgow
– Karl McNorton
– Mike Mathes