The regular monthly meeting of the Soldier Township Board was called to order by Mike Mathes (presiding officer and clerk) on May 2, 2023, at 12:15 p.m. Other board members present were Karl McNorton (Trustee) and Jerry Glasgow (Treasurer). Also present were Bob Oliva (Township Business Administrator/Road Superintendent), Doug Schmitt (Fire Chief), John Tipton (Co-Road Superintendent), and Laurie Moody (Bookkeeper)

Guests in attendance were Lee Hendricks (Legal Counsel), Larkin Downing, Chance Kueny, Caroline Wittman, Theresa Wittman, Katharine Miller, Arlene Felch, Chuck Downey (Senne Company), Joel Frizell (HME), Corey Dehn (architect firm), & Scott McKinley (PKMR) 

Member McNorton made a motion to approve the check register and the minutes from the April 4, 2023 Board meeting, as presented, with no additions or amendments. Member Glasgow seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. There were no additions to the agenda

Public comment and communication – Township resident Arlene Felch, 2114 NW Kendall Drive, spoke before the Board about her concern with a section of curb in front of her house. Member Mathes stated that a township representative would come look at the situation and get back to her. 

Township resident Theresa Wittman, 3512 NW Kansas Avenue, addressed the Board about a concern she has with water drainage on her property. Member Mathes told her that a township representative would come evaluate the situation and contact her with possible solutions

Township resident Chance Kueny, 2149 NE 70th Street, spoke to the Board about his concern with the fact that there is no stop sign at the intersection of 74th & Sherman Road. Member Mathes told him that we will have someone look at it and see if there is anything that can be done

General – Mr. Oliva presented the general report. The county has started on the bridge project on 66th Street at Topeka, so 66th Street is currently closed. The recently purchased property for the proposed fire station has had grass seed planted and some hydroseeding. Insurance claims have been filed for the hail damage sustained to some of the buildings at the Road Department and potential damage to the Fire Department as well. Building permits in Soldier Township have drastically declined in number and value over the past couple of months. 

Mr. Oliva presented a brief review of the expense report to date. All actual expenditures are in line with the budgeted expenditures

Fire- Chief Schmitt presented the written fire report. Due to the recent rains, green up is progressing well and the threat of large grass fires is dwindling. The CrewForce/MDT project is progressing, with the iPads having been received and setup begun. AEMT classes are completewith two fire fighters having received their certifications and two more still in the process of qualifying for theirs. Estimated date for going live with ALS is August 1st, 2023. And the Nurse Navigation program went live last week. A brief review of actual expenditures showed all expenses are in line with the budgeted expenditures

Road Chuck Downey, representing Senne Company, presented a brief update on the progress of the construction of the new road equipment maintenance building. The final plans are expected to be presented at the next board meeting on June 6, 2023. 

John Tipton, Co-Road Superintendent, presented the road report. Button Road has been paved from 62nd Street south to 46th Street, using approximately 2,910 tons of asphalt. A crossroad tube was installed on Kincaid Road between 39th Street and 35th Street, and milling and paving has begun in the Urban Hills development. 

86th Street is classified as a Minimum Maintenance Road. Property owners are allowed to build on minimum maintenance roads and entrance permits are issued accordingly. All new applicants for entrance permits on 86th Street and any other minimum maintenance roads will be required to sign an affidavit acknowledging that the condition of the road will remain unchanged. 

Kansas Department of Transportation engineer, Steve Bauman, has acknowledged that the part of 35th Street that runs underneath Highway 75, from ramp to ramp, is their responsibility, not Soldier Township’s. Documentation of such has been secured. 

Bob Oliva discussed the proposed pay scale for non-exempt employee positions for the Road Department. Following discussion, Member Mathes made motion to approve the pay scale as presented. Motion was seconded by Member McNorton and passed unanimously

Executive Session

Member Mathes made a motion to move into Executive Session for five minutes for consultation with legal counsel for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney- client exception to discuss potential litigation. Motion seconded and passed 3-0. Board members, Chief Schmitt, Mr. Oliva, Mr. Tipton, Laurie Moody, and Lee Hendricks remained in the room. All other meeting attendees departed. Executive Session commenced at 12:55 and adjourned at 12:57, returning to Open Meeting with no binding action having been taken

Motion was made by Member Mathes to move into a second Executive Session for five minutes to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Executive Session commenced at 12:58 and adjourned at 1:04, returning to Open Meeting with no binding action having been taken

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 1:08The next monthly Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6, 2023, at 12:15 p.m. Approved 

Here is the signed document: Board Meeting Minutes – 5-2-2023 signed