Soldier Township Board Meeting

The regular monthly meeting of the Soldier Township Board was called to order on March 2nd, 2021 at 12:15 pm. Board members present were Jerry Glasgow, Karl McNorton, and Mike Mathes. Chief Schmitt was present to represent the Fire Department. Bob Oliva was present to represent the Road Department, and Cindi Bramlage, Bookkeeper.

Guests in attendance were:

Lee Hendricks, Jared Beam, and Steve Vess.

Member McNorton made a motion to approve the check register and the minutes as presented. Member Mathes seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion was approved 3-0.

Public comment and communication:


Mr. Oliva presented the Township General fund expenditures, and the bill for casualty, liability insurance, and workers’ comp insurance. Mr. Oliva explained that there would be some flexibility with the general budget since the new policy was considerably less than in years past. Mr. Oliva discussed the new website for the township, and the work being done by Pam Billups of Kansas Business Solutions. The yearly cost for the setup of the new website, and maintenance is $2,400. Jerry Glasgow asked what it cost to have counsel present at meetings. Lee Hendricks’ fee is $175 per hour. QSP exercised a 30-day extension on the closing of the NW Button Rd property due to zoning issues encountered with the city.


Chief Schmitt presented the fire report. Chief Schmitt informed the board that Shilo Burris was released by medical to come back to work. Also informed the board that Brush 73 was back in service after a fuel shutoff solenoid repair. Chief Schmitt said the fire department is actively seeking 8 more part-time firefighters. The department will accept applications over the next 4 weeks. Chief Schmitt explained the impact of Shilo Burris being off on the payroll budget but expects no shortfall of payroll money at this time.


Mr. Oliva presented the road report and budget expenditures.

Mr. Oliva explained to the board that the first part of February was spent cleaning up the Hiller property that was purchased last year. The crew is building a 5 wire fence with multiple gates to access the property.

Mr. Oliva notified the board that Curt Hermann and Chuck Francis were the 2 people hired for the 2 open positions on the road department. Both were hired on as Equipment Operator 1.

The road department purchased 2 trucks from Purplewave, one Ford, and one GMC. Both trucks exceeded expectations and will make nice additions to the fleet.

Mr. Oliva asked the board if he could contact the county on helping with a solution to the streets surrounding HME. They are NW Button Road and NW Indianola Road. The board encouraged the county’s involvement.

Mr. Oliva also explained that NW 94th Street on the Shawnee, Jackson County line between NE Marple Road and N Topeka Ave would be a better fit for maintenance than the stretch of 94th east of NE Indian Creek Road. This is due to the development on the Shawnee County side of 94th Street. He asked for permission to contact the Jackson County Commissioners to see if there would be any interest in swapping maintenance. The board agreed to contact the Jackson County Commissioners regarding 94th Street.

Mr. Oliva informed the board he was soliciting bids for the demolition of the milk barn on the Hiller addition and will be presenting them at the April board meeting.


Member Mathes made a motion to go into executive session until 1:00 pm. Member Glasgow seconded the motion that the board recess for a closed executive session to discuss non-elected personnel, as permitted under the Kansa Open Meetings Law. After discussion, the motion was approved 3-0.  Amended to add Bob Oliva and Lee Hendricks to Executive Session.

The board came out of its closed executive session at 1:00 pm and reconvened in open regular session, and that no binding unauthorized subject matter was discussed nor was any binding unauthorized action taken by the board at the closed executive session.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was duly adj our ned. The next monthly board meeting will be held on April 6th, 2021 at 12:15 pm.

– Jerry Glasgow
– Karl McNorton
– Mike Mathes