The regular monthly meeting of the Soldier Township Board was called to order January 5, 2021 at 12:15pm.  Board members present were Jerry Glasgow, Gary Groves and Mike Mathes.  Chief Schmitt was present to represent the Fire Department.  Bob Oliva was present to represent the Road Department, and Cindi Bramlage, Bookkeeper.

Guests in attendance were – Lee Hendricks, John Welch, and Derek Snyder.

Member Mathes made a motion to approve the check register and the minutes as presented.  Member Glasgow seconded the motion.  After discussion, motion was approved 3-0.  Member Groves made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.  Member Mathes seconded the motion.  After discussion, motion was approved 3-0.

Public comment and communication – 

GeneralMr. Oliva presented the Township Financials at a Glance. After discussion and review Member Glasgow made a motion to approve Resolution 20-01, Resolution 20-02, Resolution 20-03, and Resolution 20-04.  Member Groves seconded the motion.  After discussion, motion was approved 3-0. 

Member Mathes made a motion to review our procedure each February and nominate a presiding officer to run our meetings.  The board with a 2/3 vote will select a presiding officer.  Member Glasgow seconded the motion.  After discussion, the motion was approved 3-0.  

Fire Chief Schmitt presented the fire report.  Chief Schmitt has visited with the Shawnee Co Health Department regarding Covid 19. The current thoughts are with the vaccine roll out it will help to get a base line and they feel that June or July will be a good time to see some type of normal again.  The fire station on Topeka Blvd.  has some new workout equipment.  With the schools closed for Covid, we needed a place to work out.

Road – Mr. Oliva presented the road report.  We have been doing tree trimming.  Came in on New Years Day from noon until midnight clearing the streets.  Our new employee wrecked one of our older trucks.  No one was hurt.  He is no longer working here.  We are now short three guys.  We have signs up for employment.   Mr. Oliva presented the skid loader bids.  Mr. Oliva recommends the T770 T4 Bobcat Compact Track Loader bid from White Star Machinery.  The total would be $13,536.00 per year, Total cost of $40,608.00.  Member Mathes made a motion to approve the White Star Machinery bid for a total cost of $40,608.00.  Member Glasgow seconded the motion.  After discussion, the motion was approved 3-0.

Member Mathes made a motion to go into executive session until 1:00pm.  Member Glasgow seconded the motion that the board recess for closed executive session to discuss non-elected personnel, as permitted under the Kansas Open Meetings Law.  After discussion, the motion was approved 3-0.  

The board came out of its closed executive session at 1:00pm and reconvened in open regular session, and that no binding unauthorized subject matter was discussed nor was any binding unauthorized action taken by the board at the closed executive session.

Member Mathes made a motion to increase Chief Schmitt’s salary to $80,000.00 per year with a two-year contract. Evaluation on a yearly basis.  Member Glasgow seconded the motion.  After discussion, the motion was approved 3-0.

Member Glasgow made a motion to increase Mr. Oliva’s salary to $102,000.00 per year with a two-year contract. Evaluation on a yearly basis.  Member Mathes seconded the motion.  After discussion, the motion was approved 3-0.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was duly adjourned.

The next monthly board meeting will be held on February 2, 2021 at 12:15pm.