The regular monthly meeting of the Soldier Township Board was called to order on January 11, 2022, at 12:15 p.m. Board members present were Karl McNorton (Trustee), Jerry Glasgow (Treasurer), and Mike Mathes (Clerk). Also present were Bob Oliva, Township Administrator and Road Superintendent, John Tipton, Co-Road Superintendent, Chief Doug Schmitt representing the Fire Department, and Laurie Moody, Bookkeeper.

Guests in attendance were

Lee Hendricks (Stumbo Hanson – legal counsel)

Member McNorton made a motion to approve the check register, the minutes from December 7, 2021, board meeting, and the agenda, as presented, with no additions or amendments. Member Mathes seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Public Comment and Communication:

There were no public comments or communication.


Mr. Oliva presented a spreadsheet itemizing all building permits that have been issued in Soldier Township by Shawnee County in the past year. The building permits represent a total valuation increase to Soldier Township of $18,926,933.00. Mr. Oliva attended the County zoning meeting in December. There were two items on the agenda concerning Soldier Township. The one pertaining to the property on Button Road (previously owned by the Township) was approved and zoned PUD. Mr. Oliva received a phone call from the City of Topeka requesting his input and opinion concerning how the roads would be built in that development. The development will consist of thirty-nine (39) houses positioned on both sides of a horseshoe-shaped roadway. It is estimated that these roads will be constructed in late summer or early fall of 2022.  The second item on the agenda pertaining to the Township was the property north of the subdivision Northern Sky. A top-tier, climate-controlled storage facility is planned for that property which will provide a needed service to this area.

Mr. Oliva reported that a large amount of slab rock has been donated to the Township from Rich Tarwater.

Discussion moved to a review of the budget. The employee benefits section of the General budget was exceeded due primarily to unforeseen insurance costs. There will be approximately $25,000 available to transfer from the General budget to special funds accounts for 2022. There will be approximately $90,000 available to transfer from the Road budget to special funds accounts for 2022. Those funds will be used to help pay for the Freightliner truck that has been ordered. And there will be approximately $50,000 available to transfer from the Fire budget into the special funds accounts for 2022. As it was in 2021, the payroll portion of the budget will be very tight again in 2022.

The Township Financial Statement is due to be turned in to the County by the end of January. The auditing process is currently approximately 80% completed and will be finalized and ready to submit in February.


Chief Schmitt presented the official fire report. The department has responded to a record-breaking number of calls in 2021. This increase in calls is partially due to COVID-related calls and the increased number of residents in the township. The department continues to struggle with staffing and filling part-time positions. However, the majority of the part-time firefighters are also EMTs, and two others are currently enrolled in EMT classes.


Mr. Oliva reported on the building damage sustained in the severe windstorm last month. An insurance claim was filed and payment was issued in the amount of $56,223.07. When the building is rebuilt, an additional check for approximately $32,000 will be issued as well. The plan is to accept bids and rebuild, when possible.

Mr. Oliva has scheduled a meeting for January 12, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. with Curt Neihaus, Director of Shawnee County Department of Public Works.   The meeting is to discuss future communication and cooperation between the Public Works Department and the Township Road Department.

The Road Department is well-stocked with salt for road treatment for the upcoming winter weather.

Discussion ensued concerning the possible changes that will transpire due to Bettis Asphalt buying out Hamm Asphalt.

After discussion pertaining to the leasing of a mill, a motion was made by Member Mathis to lease the Caterpillar Mill, model PMJ 12-02, from Foley Equipment Company, for a period of 24 months at the cost of $10,422.98 per month. Motion was seconded by Member McNorton. Motion carried 3-0.

Lee Hendricks has reviewed the Personnel Handbook and will have a revised version available for the next board meeting.

Executive Session:

There was no need for an Executive Session.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 12:47 p.m. The next monthly Board meeting will be held on February 1, 2022, at 12:15 p.m.

Approved by: Karl McNorton, Jerry Glasgow, and Mike Mathes