The regular monthly meeting of the Soldier Township Board was called to order on February 1, 2022, at 12:15 p.m. Board members present were Karl McNorton (Trustee), Jerry Glasgow (Treasurer), and Mike Mathes (Clerk). Also present were Bob Oliva, Township Business Administrator, and Road Superintendent, Chief Doug Schmitt representing the Fire Department, and Laurie Moody, Bookkeeper.

Guest in attendance:

John Welch (Auditor), Larkin Downing (firefighter), and Brian Flott (firefighter)

Member Mike Mathis made a motion to nominate Karl McNorton as presiding officer and Jerry Glasgow as a backup for 2022. Motioned seconded by Member Glasgow. Motion carried.

Member Mathes made a motion to approve the check register, the minutes from January 11, 2022, Board meeting, and the agenda, as presented, with no additions or amendments. Bob Oliva pulled the discussion of the personnel rules and regulations manual revisions from the agenda at this time. It will be added to the March 2022 agenda. Member Glasgow seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Public comment and communication:

There were no public comments or communication.


John  Welch, Auditor, presented his financial audit report for 2021 and provided such in writing.  A copy is available for review in the Township Office at 334 NW 62nd Street, Topeka, KS 66617. Motion was made by Member Glasgow and seconded by Member Mathis to approve the financial statement, as presented and to submit it to Kansas Municipal Services.

Motion carried.

Mr. Oliva presented the General Report. He reported that the Personnel Rules and Regulations Handbook revisions were not yet finalized, but it will be presented at the March 2022 board meeting. He should also be receiving the insurance renewal next week. It will be presented at the next board meeting as well. He has decided to postpone the Request for Proposal for Banking Services until the April 2022 board meeting.


Chief Schmitt presented the official fire report. COVID continues to be a challenge. The State SPARK committee has requested a specific funding request for ARPA funds to be used for new SCBA’s. An AFG grant request of $625,000 has been submitted to FEMA. If awarded, it will be used for the purchase of a new Tanker. And the Department has received an AMR equipment grant for $2,457.91 to be used toward the purchase of AEDs.

Chief Schmitt also reported on a couple of building/equipment maintenance issues that are being addressed. Discussion ensued concerning the need for a five-year comprehensive strategic plan.


Mr. Oliva presented the official road report. Currently, there are sixteen (16) open work orders which are being addressed in a timely manner.

Mr. Oliva met with Shawnee County Public Works Director, Curt Neihaus, to discuss current and future projects within Soldier Township. In the future, Mr. Oliva will present requests or questions directly to Mr. Neihaus. This will result in improved communication between the two departments and will give Mr. Neihaus the opportunity to inform Mr. Oliva of any proposed or current projects that will affect the Township.

Mr. Oliva estimates approximately 3,000 tons of rock was donated to the township by Rich Tarwater. This donation is valued at approximately $30,000 and will be used in a multitude of projects for years to come.

Executive Session

There was no need for an Executive Session.

There being no further business to come before the Board, motion was made by Member Mathis and seconded by Member McNorton that the meeting be adjourned at 12:42 p.m. Motion carried.

The next monthly Board meeting will be held on March 1, 2022, at 12:15 p.m.

Approved by: Karl McNorton, Jerry Glasgow, and Mike Mathes