The regular monthly meeting of the Soldier Township Board was called to order on August 9, 2022, at 12:15 p.m. Board members present were Karl McNorton (Trustee), Jerry Glasgow (Treasurer) and Mike Mathes (Clerk). Also present were Bob Oliva (Township Business Administrator/Road Superintendent), John Tipton (Co-Road Superintendent), Doug Schmitt (Fire Chief), and Laurie Moody (Bookkeeper).

Guests in attendance were – Lee Hendricks (legal counsel), Larkin Downing

Member Glasgow made a motion to approve the check register and the minutes from July 5, 2022 Board meeting, as presented, with no additions or amendments. Member Mathes seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Public comment and communication – There were no public comments or communication.

General – Mr. Oliva presented the General Report. The boundary change with Menoken.ady been surveyed. The survey and legal descriptions have been provided. Lee Hendricks will be moving forward with the process to finalize the boundary change.
The interest rates for the Certificates of Deposit have increased this past month. Mr. Oliva has adjusted the maturity lengths of the township’s Certificates of Deposit to collect the maximum amount of interest possible at this time.
The rebate that had been anticipated for the Casualty and Liability Insurance policy will not be received. Townships are specifically excluded from that rebate program with the insurance company.
The sentencing hearing for Pam Buckhalter will be August 19, 2022 at 9:45 am, Karl McNorton and Bob Oliva have both received subpoenas to attend.
Mr. Oliva briefly reviewed the status of the general budgeted expenses, which are at 62% of the budgeted funds. This includes the annual payment for the fire trucks and some expenses that have been paid in advance. Health insurance costs are lower than budgeted and the utilities at: the fire department have been slightly higher than anticipated.
Mr. Oliva presented a resolution to increase the monthly compensation by 5% for all board
einber Mathis inade motion to approve Resolution 22-03 establishing revised rates of compensation to be paid to board members of Soldier Township. Member Glasgow seconded the motion, Motion carried 3-0.
After a brief discussion concerning the proposed budget for 2023, Member Glasgow made motion to publish the notice of hearing to exceed revenue neutral rate and budget hearing. Member MeNorton seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Fire –

Chief Schmitt presented the Fire Department Report. The department is again fully staffed and just hired three (3) new paid per call firefighters. The Topeka Fire Department has been implementing emergency call back of their firefighters, which has also had an impact on Soldier Township’s fire department. This will continue as long as the labor shortage continues. This has, however, had a positive impact on the budgeted payroll expenditures. All other areas of the budget are on track for the year.

The new SCBA’s have been received, inspected, and inventoried. Test fitting has been completed and they went into service on August 5, 2022.

Chief Schmitt continues to actively seek out funding through the 50/50 Forestry Grant and State Fire Marshall Grant, to obtain additional funding for necessary firefighting safety equipment and bunker gear.

Road –

John Tipton presented the Road Report. Paving has continued in the Linwood subdivision, which has included over 3,152 tons of asphalt, at a cost of $206,730.26. This paying project will be completed this week. The next road project will then begin in the Greybeal subdivision next week.
Due to the heavy rainfall this past month, it has been necessary for the road crew to trim trees and brush growth, trimming around signs and intersections, to ensure clear visibility and to avoid vehicle damage.
Schulz Construction has completed construction of the replacement vehicle shed. This project was completely funded by the funds from the insurance claim for wind destruction of the old building last December. The department is now collecting bids to add electricity to the building,

Hastco has not actively communicated with the road department concerning the construction plans for the new mechanical shop building. To date, the requested new estimates have not been received. Mr. Oliva will begin soliciting bids from architectural firms.
Mr. Oliva reported that new school bus stop ahead signs will be installed throughout the township soon. The school will provide a list of the locations where they need to be installed.
Mr. Oliva recommended that a new 2-inch water meter be installed to enable the water for all of the road department buildings to be measured and run through one water meter, instead of a separate meter for each building. Member Mathes made motion to approve the installation of a new water meter with a cost of $8,100.00. Motion was seconded by Member MeNorton, with Member Glasgow abstaining due to his affiliation with the Water District.

Executive Session – Not necessary

Member Mathes requested that the board meeting currently scheduled for November 1, 2022, be moved to Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at 12:15 p.m. Approved.

There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned at 12:51 p.m.
The next monthly Board meeting will be held on September 6, 2022, at 12:15 p.i.

2023 Budget pages for website

Board Meeting Minutes – 8-9-22 – Signed